In the Press

Our collaborators in the Cordes group (LMU, Munich) winning the Council for Higher Education of Israel - PhD Sandwich Scholarship Program

16 March, 2021

I am very excited to congratulate our collaborators in the Cordes group (LMU, Munich) for winning the Council for Higher Education of Israel - PhD Sandwich Scholarship Program.

Soon we will host Mrs. Gabriel Moya & Oliver Brix, from the laboratory of Prof. Thorben Cordes (LMU, Munich), as part of our on-going collaboration on further developing the Flow Virometer. This will be possible thanks to the PhD student exchange samdwich scholarship program, provided by Israel's Council for Higher Education.

Congrats to all - let's continue the great work. 

Welcome a new postdoc, Dr. Paul Harris, to the Lerner group

16 March, 2021

I am honored to welcome Dr. Paul David Harris to our group as a new postdoc.

Dr. Harris recently finished his PhD in KAUST under the supervision of Prof. Samir Hamdan and Prof. Satoshi Habuchi, where he studied mechanisms of Flap Endonuclease 1 at the single-molecule level.

Dr. Harris will join the alpha-Synuclein project in general, and to its structural dynamics and single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy aspects in particular.

Welcome to the erner group 

ISF funding to pursue rapid accurate sensitive bio-detection of intact viruses

2 December, 2020

We just got funding from the Israel Science Foundation, within the KillCorona – Curbing Coronavirus Research Program, to continue the development of a new technique for the rapid bio-detection of intact viruses without compromising accuracy, specificity and sensitivity.

We would like to thank the ISF for the support.

Testing a new bio-detection scheme for counting COVID-19 viral particles

7 April, 2020

With the current COVID19 pandemic, we have diverted our attention to accelerate a few ideas we now translate towards several alternative detetion schemes of COVID19. The focus we chosen is to minimize the test time, and the sample handling required for nowadays golden-standard assays relying on RT-qPCR.

Eitan Lerner

European Researchers' Night - Molecular Biology at the single molecule level

19 September, 2019

I had the pleasure to present the achievements of Single Molecule studies of Molecular Biology.

It was certainly a great opportunity to give back to community. The audience was great, as it included people from all ages, including 6 year olders who had understood the talk and have shown interest.

Can't wait for the next time!

NIH subaward

12 July, 2019

This last week our new NIH subaward (GM130942; lead by Dr. Shimon Weiss from UCLA) has finally been formally established.  This grant is dedicated to the study of the structural dynamics in bacterial transcription initiation, utilizing single-molecule FRET measurements with structural modeling. This serves as a great opportunity to push integrative structural biology further.